We welcome future colleagues!
This post is for those who enter graduate school or students who are looking for an interesting and promising topic for scientific work!
We are pleased to announce that within the framework of our Center we are announcing a set of active, result-oriented students and graduate students!
There is a bonus system for applicants to graduate school at our Center - upon enrollment, a candidate for graduate school receives
+100 points to your points (the number of such places is limited), which significantly increases the chances of admission
The key advantages of our Research Center are:
- interdisciplinarity of research, which makes it possible for graduates of almost all specialties to find themselves: chemistry, physics, materials science, nanomaterials, etc.;
- the possibility of performing fundamental research within one of the priority areas with the prospect of practical implementation of the results obtained;
- active participation in the implementation of international and Russian projects;
- motivational system for the development and acquisition of new knowledge;
- the opportunity to participate in internships, advanced training courses in Russia and the world;
- the possibility of direct communication with leading scientists in the field of research of the Center;
Example: cooperation with Andrey Leonidovich Kholkin (University of Aveiro, Portugal, H-index 63) within the framework of a mega-grant
- supervisory system (feedback from experienced colleagues - employees of the Center).
All questions can be asked to the director of our Center - Surmenev Roman Anatolyevich.
We'll be waiting for your CVs.
surmenev@tpu.ru or rsurmenev@mail.ru, telephone (3822) 701-777, ext. 1521